Alginates are anionic polysaccharides widely distributed in the cell walls of brown marine algae. Alginates correspond to organic polymers derived from alginic acid, such as D-Manuric and L-guluronic, two monomeric units joined by
1,4 links.
The alginate present in brown algae is located in the intercellular matrix in gel form and its main function is to act as support, supplying strength and flexibility to the fine tissue of algae.
From the combination of alginates, kaolin and rice starch is born ALGINASINE, a plastic film able to establish a vehicle, through the skin, for the properties of the active ingredients found on its composition, obtaining fast and efficient
results favouring the elimination of toxins of the body.
Their main function is to introduce actives on the skin through saturation or occlusion. Masks have great level of applications, that vary depending on the actives combined; nutrient supply (balancing moisture or natural ph of the
skin), lipid normalization, collagen and elastin regeneration or cell renewal regeneration.
Full line of plastic films that will deliver active ingredients deeply and lead to healing the skin on multiple levels.
We have been manufacturing algae peel off plastic masks for more than 2 decades to customers worldwide, being Korea one of our most important markets.
For this matter, we have a dedicated manufacturing area with a a V Mixer used specially for powder products manufacturing.
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At Laboratorio Español de Investigación Cosmetológica we adapt ourselves to every brand’s needs to offer them OEM Private Label Cosmetics Manufacturing. Large or small, traditional or startup, our target is to be able to supply them products with their own Brand exactly as they wish, with the best quality and Price.
Above, everything, each of our services stands with the compromise to UNE EN ISO 22716:2008 of Good Manufacturing practices through our exclusive SAFE 22716 protocol.
Quality control is our commitment; Innovation is our vocation.